German title: Gangs – Wo stehst du, wenn’s drauf ankommt?
Russian title: Банда
Original title: Gangs
Alternative titles:
Drama – Germany
Production year: 2008
Movie length: 90 minutes
Director: Rainer Matsutani
Writer: Peer Klehmet, Sebastian Wehlings
Cinematograph: Clemens Messow
Music: Wolfram de Marco
Movie description:
This is the story of 17-year-old Flo and his gang, the Rox. A story of great romance and hard choices. When his brother, the leader of the Rox, gets into trouble, Flo has to decide between the love of his life or his flesh and blood. It’s a matter of life and death.
Boy Actors
Birthday: 27.12.1991
Age of the actor:
approximately 16 years old
Birthday: 30.03.1992
Age of the actor:
approximately 16 years old
More informations
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